This is a trip blog about my sailing adventures.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Havanna to Alert Bay

The morning after getting to Havana Channel it was time for Louis to head north to Kingcome Inlet. It was great having the company but 27ft is too small for two complete strangers to share for more than a day or two.

After he was off I started to get ready for my day. Mainly listening to the weather to decide what sail to start the day with.  They were calling for a gale.   Not what I usually try to start off in.  I continued to listen and I heard something I hadn't heard of before: "marginal gale".  Finally figured out that it wouldn't be blowing as hard as I thought, so #3 on deck and anchors up.  Great sailing was had. 

A couple of hours later I made Robson's Bight.  Finally I was going to see some orca.  The chance to see them rubbing on the beach was a major highlight of this trip for me.  Sadly, it wasn't to be.  The whole area was empty.

On the shore opposite Robson's I saw some thing moving.  As I got closer I realized that it was a black bear.  I got as close as I could without putting myself on rocks and blew my sails.  I was making such a racket that the bear stopped and looked up.

After the bear I saw a minke a couple of times. Eventually I made it to Alert Bay and dropped anchor.

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